Umpiem camp in Tak Province is a temporary shelter for refugee community. Houses in the camp were made of bamboo with roof thatching. During the dry season, fire easily occurs and these houses are easily to catch fire. COERR deems it necessary to organize the Disaster Risk Reduction training as community-based preparedness for refugees in the camp to cope with basic management and fire prevention.
Therefore, COERR and organizations concerned together with refugee committee organized the training to increase skills of refugees to be capable of helping themselves. This Training was held on January 15, 2018. There were 137 refugees, including 119 male and 18 female attending. There were demonstration about using fire fighting gears such as fire extinguishers, fire hooks, fire beaters, axes, fire shovels, etc.
On February 6, COERR organized camp based refugee staff meeting about activities including household fire prevention such as preparing water bags and sand bags for early fire extinguishing and other fire prevention measures.Later, on February 23, the Youth Club meeting also discussed about DRR Training for Children.
